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Black Cushion

About Trick9 Fitness

The name Trick9 Fitness comes from my name:​


Patrick ("Trick") Joseph Morrisey IX (yes, “the ninth”). According to family lore, I'm number nine in a long line of Patricks.​


That’s it. I'm Trick and I'm the ninth. 


Sorry, there are not 9 tricks to fitness here. Zero tricks.


Tricks??? NEIN! 





As a kid, I liked books more than sports, but was by no means sedentary. As an adult, I don't consider myself a "fitness machine." I don't have 6-pack abs. One thing I've learned from this journey is that I do not enjoy the life of someone who has 6-pack abs.


I'm forty-something years old. I’ve had healthier phases and not-so-healthy phases. I've gained and lost weight. I've dabbled in martial arts, rock climbing, and yoga, and learned a lot about movement and the body. I was vegan for quite a few years (not currently), so I had to learn a lot about nutrition so I didn't become malnourished. I've been injured, and done enough time in physical therapy to appreciate the body's capacity for life-changing injury and recovery.


I didn’t truly get into “fitness” until the invincibility of youth had faded. I had a family by then and couldn't afford an injury. So I took it slowly and did my research. It became a journey, with ups and downs, side trips and dead ends, culminating in my eventual decision to shift careers and combine my knowledge and passion from my hobby (fitness) with my skills acquired from my job (teaching ESL in Korea). Being a personal trainer has been the most satisfying career I could imagine.




My main focus with any client is first: prevention of injury, and second: strengthening the basic movement patterns of the body. Yes, you'll have your own goals, and we address those each session, but the foundations of any program I prescribe will be built on training proper movement patterns that add strength, stability, and stamina to the life you lead outside the fitness studio. My favorite moment in training is when a client tells me about applying something they learned in the studio to a task they performed in the "real world" -- whether it be helping a friend set up a barbecue, getting more out of a recreational activity they enjoy, or having a small epiphany about how they go about picking something up off the floor.


I want you to look good, but more than that, I want you to feel good, and I want it to last a long time. This is how I approach my own fitness. Yeah, I like that I can eat a donut every once in a while and not be afraid of catching my reflection in a shop window. But even more, I like that I can play with my kids or do some yard work and not have it take me out with back pain for weeks afterward.


I like to enjoy life, and this is a big part of how I do it! I would love to have a chance to learn your story and find the unique ways we can work together to get you looking and feeling great and maximize your enjoyment of life!

you're already winning


Trick9 Fitness is NOT a “no pain no gain” kind of place.


Trick9 Fitness is more a "if you show up you're already winning" kind of place.


Because I know that those who succeed all have one main thing in common:


They kept showing up.


To keep you showing up, I do a few main things:


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Keeping you safe


A huge percentage of people who start a new workout program have to stop in the first few months because they've injured themselves.


At Trick9 Fitness my main priority, above all else, is keeping you safe.  We start with basic movement patterns and build solid foundations before getting fancy.


With new health concerns of the past year, Trick9 Fitness has upgraded its air purification systems to ensure the safest possible environment.

More Bang For Your Buck


When we're pressed for time, the first thing we often compromise is ourselves. Committing to a training program is a huge step in shifting your own well-being higher up on your list of priorities.


At Trick9 Fitness, I respect the importance of the time you've invested, and operate on the principle of "more bang for your buck."


This comes directly from my own workout style, which evolved while I had 3 kids at home and a full-time job. When I had time to work out, I wanted to make it count. So I I studied, and experimented, and developed an overall approach to all my workouts that I now apply to training all of my clients.

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Learning to Love it


Most people who achieve their fitness goals didn't start off naturally loving exercise. For most, working out is an acquired taste, much like coffee. And like coffee, once you've got the habit, it's hard to skip a day, whether you enjoy every cup or not.


We make your workouts challenging, but not grueling. We establish foundations of form and body awareness, so future skills are more easily learned. We progressively ease into more challenging stuff so you feel a sense of accomplishment. And we have a bit of fun!


At Trick9 Fitness the ultimate goal is for you to develop a positive relationship with yourself, and we do that by first developing a positive relationship with training.

Black Cushion

Client Testimonials

 Patrick is a very good, experienced trainer. People with upper and lower back issues, and surgeries in pelvic and upper legs should go to him for balance and coordination after completing their recommended physical therapy after discharge from the hospital. I am writing this as a retired physician who has had pelvic surgeries in the past and a displaced disc in the back. 

Client, 71 yrs

Patrick was very welcoming and friendly from the get-go, conscientious of my skill level, and able to take things at a slower pace--breaking moves down and explaining details so that the final exercise was completed properly. I’ve lost 20 lbs and maintained that loss. I also became much stronger than I ever have been before. I’m very happy with all my training with Patrick! I feel like he is able to adjust to my skill level and make very effective workouts that made me stronger.

Emilie R., Buffalo, 26 yrs

At the very beginning I had confidence in Patrick. I found him to be responsive to my physical issues. My shoulder is much better as well as my balance after training with him. I believe that Patrick has the ability to assess and help with any issues, Patrick had the ability to relate to me and, I noted, to those around us.

Bridget, Kenmore, 45 yrs

Patrick is a super trainer. I didn't know if Patrick would be the right fit for me in the beginning. I lost 14 lbs with his encouragement and his weekly helpful hints. Patrick kept the work outs enjoyable. He gave helpful tips and exercise routines. 

Wayne S., East Amherst, 60 yrs

Patrick is a pro. He has an incredible amount of  knowledge. He is very personable and he listens. He can adapt his workouts to your ability. Trust what he has you do, you will find yourself healthier and happier.

Clara Kim, 38 yrs

I was worried that I would not be able to gain mass or even get into training, and I was extremely self conscious. Patrick tailored my exercises to my body type and even gave me nutritional advice to make sure I was always ready for working out, and he made the exercises very fun and very effective. Now I am hooked on working out, working out properly so my muscles get trained properly, healthier, more muscular. Patrick's workouts are the most fun and he is a genuinely amazing person, if you hire him I don't think any other trainer will ever look good enough.

Ayush D., Buffalo, 21 yrs

I could never motivate myself to get to the gym or workout. I had no understanding of proper technique and its importance in not only helping you attain a good result but also not hurting yourself. As a result, I hated working out because of the pain I'd be in afterwards. Patrick made working out fun and simple, and taught me proper technique and workouts that were tailored to my goals. He made me look forward to working out, and the techniques he taught me stick with me to this day. While with Patrick, I lost around 25lb and learned to safely lift weights that were much greater than my body weight. Patrick is not only a fantastic trainer, but an amazing person. I really enjoyed working with him, and he really knows how to work with people from just about every background.

Josh J., Getzville, 19yrs

I had never done personal training before so I was nervous of what to expect, like unnecessary pressure or high expectations. Patrick was a great trainer because he made the training environment very easy going while not skimping on a great workout, either. Patrick is a great conversationalist, too!

Abby S., East Amherst, 25 yrs

Black Cushion
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