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Fitness Life Coaching

Image by Patrick Perkins

Fitness Life COach?

Fitness Life Coaching is a service which evolved naturally as I worked with different people, and fine-tuned what it was they needed from me. For a fraction of the cost, both in time and money, fitness life coaching provides a lot of what personal training provides: accountability, guidance, motivation, instruction, and more. For those who are self-motivated, or on a budget, it makes a lot of sense.

WHat is it?

An initial consultation is free for everyone. If we decide fitness life coaching is right for you, we set up a subscription, and a check-in schedule that meets your needs. A typical schedule is once per week but some people find that they need more frequent check-ins. We'll get on a phone call or video chat at our scheduled time every week. Each time we meet, we'll talk about how things are going. This could cover anything you are dealing with, but here are some of the usual topics:

  • We go over your long and short term goals and fine tune them to be realistic and achievable, and come up with strategies for achieving them.

  • We discuss programs or products you're considering and I give you feedback on whether they're worthwhile, and explore alternatives based on your needs and budget. Anything and everything is on the table. Are you considering supplements? A meal prep service? A new piece of equipment? One of my main interests in fitness has been helping people avoid all the hype and the scams, and find solutions that are affordable and which actually work.

  • We discuss your progress, and re-evaluate our strategies based on obstacles you've encountered.

  • I might give you an exercise to try, or suggest a workout that fits your needs.


We go over anything and everything, from alternatives for painful or difficult exercises, to nutrition, to time-management, to stress... anything that involves your overall health and well-being is open to discussion.

Fitness Equipment On a Wood Floor
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