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Friends Exercising Together

Online Coaching

Online coaching is a modern way for me to connect with clients in a clear and efficient manner. It removes some of the barriers associated with in-person training, while preserving many of the benefits.

How It Works

Basically: We start off with a lot more communication.  I get an idea of what you need. We create a plan based on your goals. Then we use a fitness app where I create workouts for you, and we progress into following up with regular smaller bits of communication about how it's going. I offer guidance around choices and strategies for outside your workout times, and then the most tangible aspect of my services is creating and supplying workouts that keep you engaged on the path toward your goals, while checking in with issues about exercise form and safe progress.


Online coaching can get around these common barriers to hiring a personal trainer:

1. Cost - Online Coaching is accessible at a lower price than in-person training.

2. Time/Scheduling - Online Coaching is available asynchronously - meaning you access the materials whenever is convenient for you.

3. Location/Transportation - getting to your training sessions is easy when they're in your pocket.


Benefits of both Online and In-Person Training/Coaching

1. Guidance - the research and planning is done for you.

2. Personalized form review and exercise regression - the trainer can offer tips for tweaking your form, so you are able to do the exercise safely and comfortably, or we find alternatives to the exercise if it's too difficult or uncomfortable.

3. Personalized progress - progress is built into your program as a direct response to how you are performing.



If all you need is some workouts, you're already on the internet. You can find thousands. Since you're here, I'm assuming you need something a bit more personal. I provide workouts, customized to your needs and fitness level, of course. But more than that, I listen to you, and offer guidance tailored to you. I help you feel connected to your program. This gets you better results.


We start with some basic questionnaires to confirm you're ready to start training, and at what level.


Then I want to get an idea about your relationship with food, and how you approach nutrition. Regardless of your goals, healthy living and getting the most out of your body is thoroughly enmeshed with how you fuel your body.


We talk about your day-to-day routines, your stress levels, sleep patterns, obstacles you've encountered in the past, failures and successes, everything that plays a part in who you are today. 


I will select and/or design some workouts for you to try on your own time. How often we switch up the workouts depends on a few factors. Changing things up too often can prevent your gaining a deeper understanding of the movements, and prevent your body from adapting as well to the exercises. Variety can help keep us engaged, but the trick is to create variety within a set structure of repetition, so our bodies can adapt to a consistent stimulus. So we find what works for you. Some people can stick with the same couple of workouts for a whole month. This is ideal. Some people start skipping workouts if they get bored sooner, and changing up your routing a bit is better than skipping it entirely. So we learn what works best for you and work within that.


I recommend trying to stick with things as long as they are working.


We come up with a few goals for you to work on in addition to workouts.


Every week, you contact me with questions or thoughts on the program, and I adjust things accordingly.


More often at first, and then occasionally as you gain new insight, you might send me a video of you performing an exercise you have questions about.


Online training is more than just workouts. We examine your fitness goals and how best to reach them. A lot of the guidance people need is how to make fitness work in their own life, not what workout to do.

Complete Package

$159 / month

Deluxe Package

$399 / month

Budget Package

$59 / month

Package Details

Details about the online training packages


Complete Package

Weekly email check-in.


Customized Workout Program

Exercise form feedback as needed, via recorded videos, included with weekly email.


Nutrition guidance, stress and sleep guidance, product recommendations.

Image by Gary Sandoz

Deluxe Package

Weekly email check-in, with additional option for day-to-day text check-in


live video check-in once per week.


Exercise form feedback as needed, day to day.


Customized Workout Program

Piggy Bank

Budget Package

Customized Workout Program

1 email check-in per month.

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