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ONline Training

One on one live training via online tools. I take you through workouts via video call. Very similar to in person training, except you log on from the comfort of your own home. 

Practising Yoga
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In Person Training

At the Trick9 Fitness studio.

In-person training allows for personal interaction between trainer and client and allows the trainer to make instant assessments and adjustments, which prevents injury, and promotes results.

With HEPA air purifiers, one-on-one private training, and surface/air sanitization time between clients, along with a trainer who is attentive to your limitations, Trick9 Fitness is one of the safest places to train in Buffalo.

ONline Coaching

For those who want to do it on their own but still need some guidance. We figure out your goals and your strategies for achieving them. I'll provide regular customized workouts that match your goals and fitness level. Get feedback on your form when you send me videos, customized alternatives to exercises that aren't quite working, along with nutrition guidance, equipment recommendations, and regular discussion of your concerns, progress, obstacles, ideas, etc.

Image by Isaac Smith
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